In the spring of 1889, the people in this community got together and decided the Lord was leading them to start a Missionary Baptist Church. They met under a brush arbor near Hobbs Mill, which was behind our church property. G.W. Hobbs and his wife, Mary, felt there was a very real need for the church, so they gave the land which now holds Mary's Chapel Baptist Church. The church was chartered on August 18, 1889, and named for the lady who helped start it. There have been hard times at Mary's Chapel--it has been told that it was closed for a short period of time. But it was still there. In the 40's and 50's, the members of the church sold eggs, chickens, corn, and whatever else was available in order to p ay the pastor and keep the church open. In spite of the hard times, there have also been good times - times of growth and building. Under the leadership of Roger Jackson, Sunday School rooms were built in 1952. Then in the 1960's, the church was remodeled and bathrooms added. In the 1970's, the fellowship hall was built. The love and concern that started Mary's Chapel 100 years ago is still alive and well. It is still an important part of this community. Why not make Mary's Chapel an important part of your life? Come and worship the Lord with us.